Thong thuong mot hacker truoc khi xam nhap may tinh, thuong co gang cai mot trojan mo cong de xam nhap, noi tieng nhat la Trojan Back office.
Cong cu can thiet:
Dau tien ban can la mot truong trinhsacn goi la Netbios scaner, Legion hay Winhackgold. Chuong trinh se scan tat ca cac may co chia se file tren cung mot netbios.
Tuy nhien cach nay chi su dung voi nhung may chay Windows 9x va su dung File and Sharing . . .
Nhung chuong trinh nay co san tai Web Site: http://kickme.to/tuanvinh
Bat dau:
Sau khi ket noi vao mang, ban vao Star/run roi danh winipcfg, ban se nhan duoc mo dia chi IP ma ISP gan cho ban moi khi ban ket noi, neu ban ket noi bang modem thi so IP nay se thay doi goi la IP dong.
Trong muc SCAN FROM cua legion ban hay danh dia chi IP cua minh vao. Vi du minh co: thi toi danh trong legion la 202.150.12 thoi. Bay gio mo muc TO cua Legion ban danh 202.150.xx (xx la dia chi IP bat ki ban danh vao).
Bay gio an nut SCAN, Legion se bat dau scan va cho tat ca cac ia chi IP no tim thay 1-254. Neu ban may man thi khi cho IP ban se nhin thay sau:
Share resources at\\
Sharename Type Comment
A Disk Floppy
CDRIVE Disk C:\Drive
DDRIVE Disk D:\Drive
CDROM Disk CD-Rom Read only
The command was completed successfully
Hay kick vao dic chi IP doo voi lenh cua USE Net ban se co quyen kiem soat dia chi IP do.
Trong cua so Dos-Promt ban hay su dung cac lenh sau:
NET USE [drive: | *] [\\computer\directory [password | ?]]
NET USE [port:] [\\computer\printer [password | ?]]
NET USE drive: / */HOME
drive Specifies the drive letter you assign to a shared directory.
* Specifies the next available drive letter.
If used with /DELETE, specifies to disconnect all of your connections. Port Specifies the parallel (LPT) port name you assign to a shared printer. Vomputer Specifies the name of the computer sharing the resource.
Directory Specifies the name of the shared directory. Printer Specifies the name of the shared printer.
Password Specifies the password for the shared resource, if any.
? Specifies that you want to be prompted for the password of the shared resource. You don't need to use this option unless the password is optional.
/SAVEPW:NO Specifies that the password you type should not be saved in your password-list file. You need to retype the password the next time you connect to this resource.
/YES Carries out the NET USE command without first prompting you to provide information or confirm actions.
/DELETE Breaks the specified connection to a shared resource.
/NO Carries out the NET USE command, responding with NO automatically when you are prompted to confirm actions.
/HOME Makes a connection to your HOME directory if one is specified in your LAN Manager or Windows NT user account.
To list all of your connections, type NET USE without option.
To see this information one screen at a time, type the following at the command prompt:
Sau khi xam nhap vao may nay xong.
Ban nen mo 1 Port va cai san 1 BackDoor.
Lan sau ban co the vao thang may do va nam quyen toi cao.
Tuy nhien theo toi dung nen lam dung qua nhieu dong lenh.
Dieu do lam cham dong du lieu den may tinh do.
Chu nhan cua no se co the phat hien ra su co mat cua ban.
Va ho chi can tat may la ban het cach.
Chung ban thanh cong!
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